Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Senior Year

As school draws to an end, I am feeling jumpy. I want out. I want freedom. I want to be down in SUU. I want my new little nephew. But enough of that. I was thinking today in my boring AP Government class about how my high school has affected me. I went through a major change my sophomore year. I discovered my bright peppy self and felt okay with my hand. Enough to make fun of it like nothing. I started losing interest in anime and manga and fell in love with Marvel. Oh and I met Kolton. :) In my junior year things went kind of sour. My drama teacher was in major trouble. They said that he had nasty things on three computers and basically ruined his life and the lives of the students in his classes. Me being one of them. I felt like I went through an emotional change. I was depressed for like three and a half months. Luckily, God didn't want me alone and sent Kolton to Help me. ^_^ He did and I found hope in humanity, though I'm still having trust issues I think. Now here I am in my senior year. I think I have a mood disorder. I really want to go to college and meet new people and I want to write books. I'm just glad that I'm not going someplace unfamiliar. In Cedar City I have my loving grandparents and some other distant relatives and I'm not that far from some relatives I haven't seen for a long time. One of my best friends is also going to SUU. He's funny and I know he can help me with some stuff. ;) Even if he's not allowed to stay at my grandparents house. XD But I can't wait to change in my freshman year. And I hope that I have tons of friends to help me change. To be a better Meghan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like you just the way you are but you will change away at school...as far as the nephew thing...I am working on it:)