Monday, April 20, 2009

I Really Hate Government

ALMOST DONE! BEAR CRAWLING TO THE END! School right now is sucking worse than anything I have ever done. It's going by so slow and I want out. In my government class, it will be nothing but tests this week. We had a chapter test. I failed. We're going to have a unit test on Wednesday. We're taking a practice AP test on Friday. We're taking an Essay test on Tuesday. Then Correcting both practice and essay on Thursday. I feel bad because I'm not even taking the stupid AP test. I took two AP classes this year. Government and AP Literature. I decided to take the test that might be most beneficial to me. AP Literature. I'm sure if I told my Gov Teacher this, he'd get all sorts of angry. So I button my lip and struggle through. I just hope I survive to graduation. -_-

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