Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Crazy Addiction

Yum, soda. It's fizziness, overly sugared, and packed with caffeine. Oh but not just any soda. Yes I'm partial to cherry Pepsi, cherry coke, cherry anything, and fountain coke, but I mean the soda with twenty-three flavors. Yes Dr. Pepper. I'm always drinking it. But the bad thing is. . . SCOTT, my older brother, KEEPS STEALING THEM! It especially erks me when I have bought the special deliciousness with my own cash. So now I hide them and number them. Buwahaha. In other news. . . It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! XD I am so excited! It snowed a lot yesterday and I was really worried that I would get cancelled at my job. (Burger Bar) I really needed to work last night because it was my first shift of the week. Hopefully this week I get a lot my shifts. But it was really scary to drive because I was afraid of sliding everywhere! I was like overly anxious. On a scholarly news. I am working on a Critical Workplace Skills packet so I may do an internship with a Jr,. high English teacher. It was thirty-five dollars, has to be done in red ink, oh and I probably don't really need to do it since my internship is guaranteed. -_- School sucks at the moment. But at least I can drive! :D

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