Friday, February 5, 2010


Yes this is how I feel. I also need to finish my little story from Monday. I was rereading my post and noticed that I didn't finish telling about what happened with my story. Haha so anyways I write this little story quip thinking that of it'll distract people. My sister comments on it and then this kid who I hardly know tells me it's too much Tell and not enough Show. First off I think of Tell as going on about a back story, explaining pasts and what not, and show as just telling the moment. After I basically tell this kid to F off and explain how this isn't a tell piece but a show piece, he proceeds to tell me that my form isn't right and that my dialogue isn't separated. Only one person spoke in my story, it was separated in its own little paragraph about the person. So not only am I pissed off but I'm wondering where this kid, who reads anime and whines like an emo about his life and girlfriend, has the gall to judge my writing. And to top it all off he gives me this crappy piece about this kid running. It was full of incomplete sentences, bad spelling and grammar. and I had no clue who They were that demanded that the kid join them. He asked me if it was a good starting piece. I basically said no. But now onto the rest of this week,

IT WAS HORRIBLE! I'm so stressed and my life has just tanked! I have not gotten any good sleep, I'm in pain all the time, and I flunked my first chemistry test. So all of Wednesday I cried my eyes out because my teacher told me that if I don't pass the next test I should consider dropping the class. I freaked out and have probably worried my mother to death and to top it all off, I still feel like crap. But it's gotten better. Yesterday my coworker bought me a Noodle bowl from Teriyaki or whatever it's called. She was so nice about it that I just smiled and thanked her a lot. I also now have a grip on how to pass my next chemistry test. Hopefully I can pass and tell my teacher: "SEE! I AM SMART!" But we'll see what happens. Another thing My Life Is Average is an awesome site. Not only is it funny, but it has made me feel a whole lot better. I think I'll post that on MLIA. Hopefully it'll make people who post on it a whole ton happier than they already are.

NEXT WEEKEND I GET TO GO HOME! I can't wait! It's president's day weekend and I'm planning on doing a lot of stuff with friends. Last three day weekend I got sent home on Sunday because the weather was going to be bad. Hopefully this next weekend I can actually stay until Monday. Okay well have to go and start my Prose for Creative Writing. It's about this kid who watches and aspiring MMA fighter practice in the rain. Why he practices in the rain is something I have not figured out yet. ^_^

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