Friday, February 12, 2010

Presidents Day Weekend

This week has been so busy and so awesome! All my problems seemed to have fixed themselves and I'm just waiting to proof myself. Today I have a test in Chemistry and I'm just waiting to get an awesome score and show up my teacher. But I won't be all rude about it. ^_^ Anyways the good news is that I'm going home today! I'm heading up with my friend Nataly who said she would drive so I was all over that. So at two thirty today we'll be on the road and I'll be home. I have a tone of plans to do and I can't wait to hang out with my family and friends. Of course my whole family worries about me but I just shrug it off. I know we'll be safe. One awesome thing happened this week! On Wednesday I got home from school and walked into my grandparents house and there was a package for me. I kind of looked at it and poked at it and asked if it was mine. Of course it was mine, but I like to ask obvious questions. So I open it and I find inside an awesome cool blue Spiderman shirt, a large sucker, a pin with a hand heart on it, and a coconut ring. There was also a card in it so I opened the card and it was my mom saying that my family missed me and to be happy when school and life give me issues, oh and when my body gives me issues XP. The ring was from a friend named Justin who had gone to Costa Rica, the sucker was from my friend Kaylee who said it was for my birthday, the pin was from my sister, cause hand hearts are our thing, and the shirt was from my parents. It was a good pick-me-up from the bad week I had had previously. Needless to say I can't wait to get home and give everyone a proper thank you. Until next time my friends. Have a good President's Day Weekend! :D

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