Friday, February 26, 2010

Another Good Week

So here's to a good week and an upcoming weekend. This week was good but it went by slow! I spent half my time doing homework and when the next day would finally come. Now it's Friday and I'm so happy! A couple of friends and I are going to St. George today! Why? Because we want to go to the really big pet store and play with the puppies and other animals! Haha that's really the only reason. We're going to do a bunch of other stuff but that's our main goal: get to the pet store. This weekend it's supposed to snow all the time! Which is okay with me because I'm going to be spending the time studying for my chemistry test but I am currently tired of the snow. I just want it to be spring already! C'mon mother nature get with the program here! Everything has been going well so far. I'm getting a little impatient with my grandparents but that's expected right? Last night I spent an hour and a half just wandering around Wal-Mart because it felt so good to be out of their house. What wasn't good was the phone call I got from my grandmother right as I was opening the garage door. She asked if I was home yet and it took all of my self control not to yell: "DUH I JUST OPENED THE GARAGE!" I think they were afraid that I went somewhere and that I wasn't going to come back. But this is what I get for coming to a college where relative live. Next fall though I'm hopefully getting an apartment either by scholarship or by my own hard earned cash. So things will definitely go better and I won't feel bad for other people buying my food and soda. Just a couple more months with a few breaks thrown in between. Anyways!

My next Chemistry test is coming up!!! I'm so nervous but I've been doing so well in class! I finally got me an really cool TI-89 calculator that can do chemistry. I was going to buy it yesterday but had to buy it on monday because class that day was all about doing calculations! Now this really cool calculator has one problem: It's pink. I really wanted a blue one but all they had was pink but I really needed it so I just took it. Oh well. Now I'm all caught up and I really have this calculator to thank. So this weekend I'm going to be doing a lot of studying! Wish me luck because if I pass this test I get to stay in the class! If I don't, I have to drop with a W on my transcripts. :(

Another good thing that happened this week! It was Wednesday! It was my ward's enrichment night and it was all about healthy eating. We got to bring in a really good recipe and have other people try it out and make our own little recipe books. Now I didn't want to do anything real complicated because it was at 7 and I didn't get off work until 5 so I got a recipe from Cicily! It's a really good Italian Pasta Salad! And Cicily, it went great! Like half of it was gone and I'm slowly eating the rest! XD I was so excited to go and I got roped in to going to Sunday's session of Stake Conference. It's going to be my first real stake conference! I'm kind of excited.

Well that's all for my good news. See you next Friday! :D

Monday, February 22, 2010

Again I Forgot

I'm sorry! Tar and feather me later! Haha anyways last week was pretty good. School was school and I tried to stay out of my grandparent's house as much as possible. But that's not important! Move to: Friday! Last Friday I hung out with my friend Nataly. I just went over to her apartment right after I was done with class and we ate lunch and just talked. After a while we went up to her room and looked at Avon books because she sells Avon. Then we got talking about pets and how bad she wants just a fish. So we decided to go to Wal-Mart but before we did, we headed to a local pet store to look around. We wasted almost a half an hour just looking at all the animals there! I was looking at something else when Nataly came up to me and said "I caught a bunny!" And there was a bunny in her arms. It was so fun! After that we headed to Wal-Mart and guess what! Wal-Mart's order of Beta fish froze! So they had no betas! But the lady we talked to was nice and she tried to get us both to hold a crab and we were like: "Uh no see ya!" Then we wandered about and headed back to her apartment. But as soon as we got to her apartment, we had to go to Wal-Mart again. We had to get stuff for Grasshopper Shots! Now I know that there are many names to this, but I was told Grasshopper shots. It was so much fun! We had like five, got sick, and watched the Fifth Element. On Saturday, I went to the movies with my grandma. We saw Dear John. It was a pretty good movie. It was cool that it followed mostly the guy character instead of the girl character. I give props to Nicholas Sparks. But I'm still wary about seeing The Last Song because, I'm sorry to say this, I really really don't like Miley Cyrus. Don't ask because I'll get into a small rant about it. Then of course Mary came over and we played Marvel Ultimate Alliance and then Nataly came over and both of them stayed for dinner. Then on Sunday I went to church, paid my tithing, and got invited to a sleep over. Life is going to be good! :D But this week is going to be busy! I have something going on every night at seven. Ug but I guess that's what I get for being a student. Well farewell and here's the stuff for grasshopper shots! See ya!

Here are the ingredients for Grasshopper Shots:
1 Package of Grasshopper cookies
1 Package of Hot Chocolate Mix
1 Can of Spray whipped cream

What you do:
Bite off a little of one end of the cookie then bite off a little of another end.
Sip hot chocolate through the the cookie
Throw it in your mouth
Spray whip cream in your mouth
And enjoy!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Presidents Day Weekend

This week has been so busy and so awesome! All my problems seemed to have fixed themselves and I'm just waiting to proof myself. Today I have a test in Chemistry and I'm just waiting to get an awesome score and show up my teacher. But I won't be all rude about it. ^_^ Anyways the good news is that I'm going home today! I'm heading up with my friend Nataly who said she would drive so I was all over that. So at two thirty today we'll be on the road and I'll be home. I have a tone of plans to do and I can't wait to hang out with my family and friends. Of course my whole family worries about me but I just shrug it off. I know we'll be safe. One awesome thing happened this week! On Wednesday I got home from school and walked into my grandparents house and there was a package for me. I kind of looked at it and poked at it and asked if it was mine. Of course it was mine, but I like to ask obvious questions. So I open it and I find inside an awesome cool blue Spiderman shirt, a large sucker, a pin with a hand heart on it, and a coconut ring. There was also a card in it so I opened the card and it was my mom saying that my family missed me and to be happy when school and life give me issues, oh and when my body gives me issues XP. The ring was from a friend named Justin who had gone to Costa Rica, the sucker was from my friend Kaylee who said it was for my birthday, the pin was from my sister, cause hand hearts are our thing, and the shirt was from my parents. It was a good pick-me-up from the bad week I had had previously. Needless to say I can't wait to get home and give everyone a proper thank you. Until next time my friends. Have a good President's Day Weekend! :D

Friday, February 5, 2010


Yes this is how I feel. I also need to finish my little story from Monday. I was rereading my post and noticed that I didn't finish telling about what happened with my story. Haha so anyways I write this little story quip thinking that of it'll distract people. My sister comments on it and then this kid who I hardly know tells me it's too much Tell and not enough Show. First off I think of Tell as going on about a back story, explaining pasts and what not, and show as just telling the moment. After I basically tell this kid to F off and explain how this isn't a tell piece but a show piece, he proceeds to tell me that my form isn't right and that my dialogue isn't separated. Only one person spoke in my story, it was separated in its own little paragraph about the person. So not only am I pissed off but I'm wondering where this kid, who reads anime and whines like an emo about his life and girlfriend, has the gall to judge my writing. And to top it all off he gives me this crappy piece about this kid running. It was full of incomplete sentences, bad spelling and grammar. and I had no clue who They were that demanded that the kid join them. He asked me if it was a good starting piece. I basically said no. But now onto the rest of this week,

IT WAS HORRIBLE! I'm so stressed and my life has just tanked! I have not gotten any good sleep, I'm in pain all the time, and I flunked my first chemistry test. So all of Wednesday I cried my eyes out because my teacher told me that if I don't pass the next test I should consider dropping the class. I freaked out and have probably worried my mother to death and to top it all off, I still feel like crap. But it's gotten better. Yesterday my coworker bought me a Noodle bowl from Teriyaki or whatever it's called. She was so nice about it that I just smiled and thanked her a lot. I also now have a grip on how to pass my next chemistry test. Hopefully I can pass and tell my teacher: "SEE! I AM SMART!" But we'll see what happens. Another thing My Life Is Average is an awesome site. Not only is it funny, but it has made me feel a whole lot better. I think I'll post that on MLIA. Hopefully it'll make people who post on it a whole ton happier than they already are.

NEXT WEEKEND I GET TO GO HOME! I can't wait! It's president's day weekend and I'm planning on doing a lot of stuff with friends. Last three day weekend I got sent home on Sunday because the weather was going to be bad. Hopefully this next weekend I can actually stay until Monday. Okay well have to go and start my Prose for Creative Writing. It's about this kid who watches and aspiring MMA fighter practice in the rain. Why he practices in the rain is something I have not figured out yet. ^_^

Monday, February 1, 2010

So I Forgot

I forgot to post on Friday! How silly of me. Well actually I really post at work and I only work two hours on Friday. Haha but anyways! Last week was such a stress induced nightmare! It all started Tuesday when I decided: "Hey, I'll put some piece of writing on a note so my friends on facebook can read!" So I write the little quip about one of my characters at a party. It was just a three paragraph thing. Oh and also on Tuesday I decided to let this boy, who tripped my twin, that he needed to apologize to her. So he says that he put his foot our and expected my sister to step over it. Well I guess she didn't! But the thing that got me angry was that this kid didn't apologize or help my sister up! She was close to tears! So that's why I said that I BELIEVED that he should apologize. He didn't know that I was being serious so when I told him that he was in college and to grow up, he got furious. He went on a rampage saying that I was immature for DEMANDING him to do something and how my sister should talk to him about it. Then he called me self righteous and said that I had a "holier-than-thou" personality. So I told him that I was sorry that I popped his perfect little world and that I ruined his perfect little fantasy called life! I mean come on! This kid is an anti-social know-it-all who cuts himself. I'm not going to let him get me down. Not saying that during this whole thing I didn't feel guilty. I did. I felt so bad that he got angry but then I didn't care! But anyways! I went to church on Sunday only to find that it was Ward Conference. I don't really remember going to ward conference when I was younger. Conference of any kind always meant: Stay Home. So I went only because I had to pay tithing and I planned on sneaking off after sacrament. Then a girl named Jamie came up to me and invited me to come and sit with her and a few other girls. Needless to say I stayed the whole three hours of church, smiling ear-to-ear because I was sitting with friends! It made me so happy and I really want to go to Family Home Evening with my ward. If everything goes well I mean. Haha well there's my update. Oh good news: I got a 93% on my first math test! :D Now I hope that I pass my chemistry test! Wish me luck!