So let's do an instant recap! I went to la Caille, got sick, missed school, got a cold, and got asked to Senior Cotillion by my friend Ryan. I was so happy to be finally over all my sickness to be able to go! The dance was yesterday! At nine o'clock in the morning, I was picked up and whisked away to Village Inn for breakfast. I went with a group of my favorite friends! Megan and her boyfriend Blake, Elise and her date Pierce, and of course me and Ryan. It was so fun and breakfast was great! After breakfast, we went to Blake's house and played Guitar Hero World Tour and a whole bunch of other games. Oh and we watched Clue. At like three o'clock, I was dropped back at my house to get ready. So I was told that I was going to be picked up at seven for dinner, but Ryan called me at six and said that they were coming over in five minutes! Cicily had to rush my hair and I had to get dressed. Turns out Megan and Blake got stuck taking pictures for twenty minutes! So we head over to Harmon's to wait for Pierce and Elise to meet us and me and Megan are standing outside the car getting gawked, honked, and waved at by strangers. Blake couldn't handle it and told us to get back inside. Once we did though, Megan got right back out and walked across the street and was about to cross the intersection when Pierce pulled up. O.o We got to Golden Coral and are eating when Elise's mom comes up and takes our pictures! So weird! After Dinner, we went and traveled Shopko! It was pretty funny because we were all in our nice clothes and people were still staring! The dance started at eight and we didn't get there till ten! It ended at eleven. We had barely enough time to get single and group pictures! But poor Pierce! He got food poisoning and was in the bathroom the entire time! :( But we still had fun and got to dance in a big group! After the dance we went to Megan's house and watched a movie. But my mom texted me at one thirty and was like Come Home! So I did. But it was the most fantastic night of my life! :D
Home for the Holidays
15 years ago
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