Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hey it's been a long time! Let's see. To recap I shall say this: school sucks, work is getting busier and busier, and I can't save money! :D Yay me! I've been in a day dream drab lately. I go from one thing to another and can't seem to keep my thoughts down in writing as fast as I can. I blame my B-Days at school. It's my most boring schedule. Wildlife management, Psychology, Seminary and AP english. If I could rearrange it, i'd only have AP English. But every day I walk into Psychology I declare it iPod day! (Note: electronic devises of any sort aren't allowed in any class. But my teacher is brain dead. ^_^) That and now I declare Seminary an iPod day! But not that often because it's awkward. I'm getting to the point were senioritis is settling in and it's really not helping. That and the prospect of cloudy weather makes it worse. I get all ansty and it's going to get not all that better. This next quarter is my last quarter. The quarter of my graduation! SUU here I come! XD One more hurtle and a speed bump. I still need to tell my boss that I plan on leaving during the busiest season of the year and I'm so scared! O.o Well hope everyone's week goes well. I'm so glad winter is over! :D

1 comment:

chomsee and meanchol said...

winter isn't over yet! i wish i was i hate this snow