Yum, soda. It's fizziness, overly sugared, and packed with caffeine. Oh but not just any soda. Yes I'm partial to cherry Pepsi, cherry coke, cherry anything, and fountain coke, but I mean the soda with twenty-three flavors. Yes Dr. Pepper. I'm always drinking it. But the bad thing is. . . SCOTT, my older brother, KEEPS STEALING THEM! It especially erks me when I have bought the special deliciousness with my own cash. So now I hide them and number them. Buwahaha. In other news. . . It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! XD I am so excited! It snowed a lot yesterday and I was really worried that I would get cancelled at my job. (Burger Bar) I really needed to work last night because it was my first shift of the week. Hopefully this week I get a lot my shifts. But it was really scary to drive because I was afraid of sliding everywhere! I was like overly anxious. On a scholarly news. I am working on a Critical Workplace Skills packet so I may do an internship with a Jr,. high English teacher. It was thirty-five dollars, has to be done in red ink, oh and I probably don't really need to do it since my internship is guaranteed. -_- School sucks at the moment. But at least I can drive! :D
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