Monday, December 29, 2008

July 18, 2009

The above date is my future! On the 18th I'll move down to Cedar City to get a job and start paying some major tuition for my college! Southern Utah University here I come! Which is why I have a countdown clock set up too. It's going to be amazing and I am so excited! :D

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's that beautiful time of year when I'm happy for all I got. My amazing family, friends, loved ones. The sparkling lights catch my OCD eyes and work unfortunately gets slower. There's snow on the ground and ice on the streets. The shops are packed my hand turns purple beyond the spectrum and I am going on a description rant. Well I love Christmas and I hope everyone loves the holdiays. HAPPY HOLIDAYS ONE AND ALL! :D

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Crazy Addiction

Yum, soda. It's fizziness, overly sugared, and packed with caffeine. Oh but not just any soda. Yes I'm partial to cherry Pepsi, cherry coke, cherry anything, and fountain coke, but I mean the soda with twenty-three flavors. Yes Dr. Pepper. I'm always drinking it. But the bad thing is. . . SCOTT, my older brother, KEEPS STEALING THEM! It especially erks me when I have bought the special deliciousness with my own cash. So now I hide them and number them. Buwahaha. In other news. . . It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! XD I am so excited! It snowed a lot yesterday and I was really worried that I would get cancelled at my job. (Burger Bar) I really needed to work last night because it was my first shift of the week. Hopefully this week I get a lot my shifts. But it was really scary to drive because I was afraid of sliding everywhere! I was like overly anxious. On a scholarly news. I am working on a Critical Workplace Skills packet so I may do an internship with a Jr,. high English teacher. It was thirty-five dollars, has to be done in red ink, oh and I probably don't really need to do it since my internship is guaranteed. -_- School sucks at the moment. But at least I can drive! :D

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My New Life As A Driver

Oh yeah! Go me! I came home from work on Thursday exhausted. My mom was going up to bed and I sighed. "I can't wait for Sunday! Then I can have my car and won't have to call for rides or bum any from Morgan." She's on her way up the stairs when she turns around. "You can have it tomorrow. Your dad says you can." Hearts leap! Is it true? "Yes but you can't leave during lunch." Well there went my plans for going to get a shake but oh well! So there I was with my car three days early. And now, that it is Sunday... I'm loving it! I was so glad to drive myself to school, to my service project for my communications 2110 class both friday night and saturday morning. So relieving to drive myself to and from work! ^_^ All bad thoughts are now gone and I am loving my new Driver Life. :D Now I can be "late" for seminary! XD -laughs- Just Kidding! :3