Monday, December 29, 2008

July 18, 2009

The above date is my future! On the 18th I'll move down to Cedar City to get a job and start paying some major tuition for my college! Southern Utah University here I come! Which is why I have a countdown clock set up too. It's going to be amazing and I am so excited! :D

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's that beautiful time of year when I'm happy for all I got. My amazing family, friends, loved ones. The sparkling lights catch my OCD eyes and work unfortunately gets slower. There's snow on the ground and ice on the streets. The shops are packed my hand turns purple beyond the spectrum and I am going on a description rant. Well I love Christmas and I hope everyone loves the holdiays. HAPPY HOLIDAYS ONE AND ALL! :D

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Crazy Addiction

Yum, soda. It's fizziness, overly sugared, and packed with caffeine. Oh but not just any soda. Yes I'm partial to cherry Pepsi, cherry coke, cherry anything, and fountain coke, but I mean the soda with twenty-three flavors. Yes Dr. Pepper. I'm always drinking it. But the bad thing is. . . SCOTT, my older brother, KEEPS STEALING THEM! It especially erks me when I have bought the special deliciousness with my own cash. So now I hide them and number them. Buwahaha. In other news. . . It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! XD I am so excited! It snowed a lot yesterday and I was really worried that I would get cancelled at my job. (Burger Bar) I really needed to work last night because it was my first shift of the week. Hopefully this week I get a lot my shifts. But it was really scary to drive because I was afraid of sliding everywhere! I was like overly anxious. On a scholarly news. I am working on a Critical Workplace Skills packet so I may do an internship with a Jr,. high English teacher. It was thirty-five dollars, has to be done in red ink, oh and I probably don't really need to do it since my internship is guaranteed. -_- School sucks at the moment. But at least I can drive! :D

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My New Life As A Driver

Oh yeah! Go me! I came home from work on Thursday exhausted. My mom was going up to bed and I sighed. "I can't wait for Sunday! Then I can have my car and won't have to call for rides or bum any from Morgan." She's on her way up the stairs when she turns around. "You can have it tomorrow. Your dad says you can." Hearts leap! Is it true? "Yes but you can't leave during lunch." Well there went my plans for going to get a shake but oh well! So there I was with my car three days early. And now, that it is Sunday... I'm loving it! I was so glad to drive myself to school, to my service project for my communications 2110 class both friday night and saturday morning. So relieving to drive myself to and from work! ^_^ All bad thoughts are now gone and I am loving my new Driver Life. :D Now I can be "late" for seminary! XD -laughs- Just Kidding! :3

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I got my license I got my license! -dances- I messed up on a turn, a little on my parallel park, and a headcheck but I can now drive! Now if only my parents could trust me! I'm ready to have my car. My cute little s10 blazer that is awesome and red. I'm tired of paying morgan twenty dollars out of my paycheck for gas and she probably doesn't even need it! I'm tired of my dad saying that I am not ready. He only drove with me once! Now I'm ready. And I'm tired of getting in the car with my mom and feeling this distrust. Like everytime I drive I'm going to kill her. No one trusts me and it is making me mad. I am ready for this responsibility. I want to be able to drive myself about on my own! In MY car. To my job, school, and to my moms school so I can help her after school. ............................ Now that my rant is done. . . So yesterday sucked. The only person really nice to me was Cicily. Other than that I was getting yelled at, swore at in sign language, and other misfortunes that befell me yesterday. Well then better get another Dr. Pepper. Toodles and Noodles my friends!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Upcoming Weekend

So I was so happy to see that on my schedule that I was not working until friday night. Yay! Today I can lounge about and do nothing, maybe read or type more on my stagnating nanowrimo story. -_- doubt it because I am so tired!!! But anyways, my driving test is tomorrow! I am so nervous! Just with my parallel park. It makes my heart thump bad. That I have piano and guitar practice tomorrow. Go last minute practicing! Friday I am going black friday shopping! This year, we are bringing our friends Kaylee and Miranda with us! It's going to be so much fun! And so tiring. But I love going. Last year, I thought I was going to get beat up because of a printer for a stupid family friend who I don't like that much. Then saturday after my day shift we get to go to Cedar City! Yay! So close to my future college! We actually sent in my application to my college last saturday. Yay! I am so way excited!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Awesome Day!

Is it me? Or do good days happen on Birthdays? My little Nephew Kyle turns one today! Yayness! But on with my good day. I had a test in my government class. Dun dun dun! I was not excited. I hurriedly did an extra credit chapter outline and reviewed it all during school. I got into the room and felt really confident. I participated a lot in PE today. I ignored the still there pain in my ankle and pushed through Journals, laps, and wall sits. Then we played some basketball! Yay! Love it! Though we did lose all our games, I was happy to play with my friends. Then in Seminary today, my teacher did my green About Me paper! Everyone knew it was me when he said that my favorite movies were Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk. <3 We read kid stories in creative writing! XD Then came my test. I wasn't that nervous. I turned in my extra credit and got on with my test. Guess what! 31/39 and 13/15 on my essay! -dances around her family room- Yayness! It seems my nephew's birthday was my awesome day! XD Thanks baby Kyle!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Marvel Monopoly, My Nephew, and Popping My Ankle

So there we were, getting right into an intense game of Marvel Monopoly. I was Captain America, my sister-in-law was the Green Goblin, Morgan Spiderman, and my brother Wolverine. Scott, had one side all housed and hoteled out and so did I and Cicily. Then, my nephew, Kyle, began to reach for the sacred property cards. My mom and I push him away and I get the strong urge to pop my right ankle. Little run down: In eighth grade I tore my right ankle ligaments. Then after that, four more times doing the stupidest things. Like walking up my driveway, jumping on a trampoline, my backyard etc. So anyways that urge to pop my ankle! Being the awesome person I am, I pop it. CRACK! AH! Intense pain surges my ankle and I am up jumping about as my whole family watches. Close to tears I sit back down and make small circle movements with my ankle hoping I remember my exercises to heal it. The next day I had to work. It sucked. Yesterday I had PE. But I have the most awesome teacher! Coach Penigar who played basketball for Utah State. I told him about my ankle and he was really nice about it. I gave participation an effort that day! I limped a few laps around the basketball court but hey! I made it! XD Awesome!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Driving the Canyon

Today my dad promised to take me driving through the canyon to have some experience. It was so kudo! I never felt so conifident in my driving abilities. We went through the a major canyon up to a ski resort, I don't live that far from some, and back onto the freeway home. It was awesome. I have an s10 blazer and I love it! Only problem is. . . my CD player is dumb! So I can't be awesome and listen to cds. I have to either save up for it or hoepfully get a new one as a gift. (Christmas or graduation can't come fast enough). But anyways. . . I am so ready for my next driving with an instructor this thursday! Oh and my word count for national novel writing month is 7552! Yay me!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Week

Home. School. Home for like an hour or two. Work. Sleep. Now repeat that six times and you have my week. I am so tired of school and work that I'm pretty sure I can graduate early and leave. Actually, now that I think about it. I probably can graduate early. I do have all my credits. O-0 But I love school. WHY?! Everything just sucks right now. -_- From random spouts of sad and random feelings of overactive hyperness it's just weird. And it's going to probably worse as the winter gets going. At least my jobs hours go down during winter. Whoohoo. T_T I wish I was back in England.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Nano Wrimo Month!

Hey there! Haven't posted in a while. I blame school, work, and Morgan. Oops not my twin! ^_^ It's november. My favorite/most hated month. My favorite because my awesome nephew was born on the thirteenth and it's the national novel writing month! It's my most hated because of something that happened last year that started after thanksgiving and puts my in bouts of depression. BUT I don't wish to discuss that. Anyways! National Novel Writing month is awesome! I have from the beginning of the month till the end to write a 50,000 word novel. I'm doing somewhat well. 4,187 words and struggling. It's hard to write when I have school, work, and homework to worry about. But I've found a solution: Write at school and then type when I hav ethe time. So yeah I have to go now so I can type more on my story! XD

Thursday, October 30, 2008

And My Final Grade for Government Is. . .

A fantabulous B! Yes folks I have a B! This is how my last test went: I read the book, got 26/30 on the worksheet, wrote a seven pages outline for the chapter, rewrote my notes twice (counting the outline and thanks Troy and Kandice for the advice! ^.^), and read the chapter again. What did I get on my test? A 26/40. I was so bummed that again I cried when I got home. But, today as I was doing my General Financial Lit homework in our school libaray, I decided to again check my grades. There it was all A's and three B's. -starts to dance- Awesome! But I now have my strategy for the next quarter and plan to get an A. Goals are cool.

Also, I drove today! No, not my test but the practice. I did really well when I went! But the poor girl I switched with almost got hit by a car and almost ran off the side of the road when we did Canyon driving. Fortunately, I didn't do Canyon driving today but I feel confident in myself that I can do it. I don't even have to drive again till the Thirteenth of November! But that's fine. ^_^ Liscense here I come!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

BIRTHDAY! Last Thursday. . .

Yes I know I'm a little late on posting this but. . . My birthday was on Thursday! I am now 18! Oh how happy I am! Well I'll be lots happier when I get my liscense next week. . . Hopefully. But yeah. . . 18 whoo!!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Need Advice!!!!

So here is a problem. I failed another one of my AP Governemnt tests. I studied all night and even during classes and did the extra credit! Yet I still came out a 28/45. Did I fail the essay portion? No! For some reason my multiple choice tests bomb while I miss one lousy point on my short written essay. >_< Not Kudo! So not Kudo! So I need advice. Just reading the chapter, doing the extra credit, and reading my notes isn't covering it. What else can I do to study and get a good grade in one of my favorite classes?

On a lighter note, my English class and I played a trick on our beloved teacher. You see he is quite the addict with Dr. Pepper. (As am I.) So to control it, he limits himself to one a week. All ten of us pitched in a dollar so one of us could go buy a six pack of bottled Dr. Pepper. Luckily, on Tuesday, our teacher was out of the room so we easily distributed to everyone in class. He came in talking and was going on in a lecture when he suddenly stopped. He looked around a little and looked somewhat upset. "Why does everyone have a Dr. Pepper?!" He asks loudly. We all burst into a fit of laughter. "You guys got into my stash! You're evil!" He goes on about a stash for a moment and we are all confused. What stash? Again he leaves and our friend who bought the awesome nectar gets a new one out and pours it into his drinking cup. As he came in, everyone pulled a straight face. He looks at it for just a moment then asks: "What did you do to it?" We all giggle. "We promise there is no spit!" I chimed. He drinks it and thinks a moment. "Well it's cold. . ." He gets up and we follow him with our eyes to the back of the room to some cabinets and opens a drawer. "It's not mine." He continues with the lecture. Now we know where his stash is and when he leaves again, two classmates get a wicked idea. They rush to the back of the room and open the drawer and pull out four 2-liter bottles of Dr. Pepper, and an opened twelve pack. They rush and put it under the sink and we smile like angels. And since it's UEA, or as some little idiots call it Fall Break, we don't have English again till Monday. We are going to get it. O_o

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rain Rain Stay All Day!

So woke up today for my weekly Saturday guitar lesson and I look outside and see DARKNESS! Dark clouds everywhere! I danced on the inside. So I was scheduled to work at ten thirty. Then my marvelous supervisor calls and pushes me back till eleven thirty. So I said sweet! I can go home and take sleep some more! So I'm laying in bed texting and again my supervisor calls. "How about we put you on call?" I danced more on the inside. So now I am on call and hopefully won't have to work! ^_^ Yayness! I man boo cause I'm not working and not getting money but still I am so excited! The whole weekend off! And my nephew is over today! This Saturday is awesome!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Something NEW!!! ^_^

Super Hero of the month! And since it is my ultimate favorite month, I've decided to put my ultimate favorite hero! Tony Stark aka Iron Man! -starts singing Ozzy's Iron Man Song- Yeah! ^^ Every month a new hero! Why? I'm bored that's why! Also, I've been planning to do this for a while and now I get to start it in the greatest month of all! OCTOBER! Trick or treat slice! XD All facts can be found at if you wanna know! ^_^

Monday, October 6, 2008


So I went to a haunted house yesterday with my sister and friend. I could feel it as soon as we entered. There was going to be a scary chainsaw guy. So we're going through and I'm being a really big dumbie. Telling the scaries that I wasn't afraid. As soon as we get to the end, a chainsaw guy jumps out and scares the jeebies out of me! I scream, kick my sister, and go running. Unfortunately my friend was hanging onto the hood of my jacket so I choked as I ran out of the haunted house. Let's just say today my throat hurts like crap! >_<

Monday, September 29, 2008

Today I did nothing important

But go to school. That's all I did. Oh and I have to go to work at five. But I love my job so I'm not that peeved. Today I didn't fall asleep in my AP Governement class! Yay for me! Maybe I'll pass my test on wednesday. That'd be more kudo than anyhting else right now. Except passing my communications test tomorrow. I did some profiling updates and what I found is pretty cool. If you click on the blue highlited stuff, you get other people with those same interests. That's cool but I haven't looked that much into it. Next week is my last week at Drivers Ed! Then hopefully they'll call me really fast to drive so that I can have my liscence, and car, by my birthday! Yayness! ^_^ And Now I shall post a random picture of the Eifel tower that I took when I was in Paris. It's all sparkly! Seriously we were on a boat tour down the River and it was really really boring so we all took pictures of the eifel tower when it went all sparkly and played with the language settings on our telephone translator things.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Early Out! And My Great PE Adventure!

There was an early out today at school. Which could only mean Parent Teacher Conference! I'm not worried I currently have all A's and a B. Soon it will be an A and I will be one hundred dollars richer! Been working on rewriting a story for my A-Day Binder. But the story is kind of ten pages long so it's taking a long time. Oh so my adventure. Yesterday, all of my PE class figured that we were done with our bowling unit. So half of us all head for the little gym. Well we're standing there for a good chunk of fifteen minutes when some of them decide to go see what's up. I stay back for another ten minutes. Finally we all head outside and there's no one there. My friend Adolfo runs back inside to see if our class is heading to Spare Time when all of a sudden my friend Jessica comes flying in her car with two guys and yells: "We're bowling! I have room for one more person!" I instantly run and jump into the car and we zoom past the walking class and get there before them. Luckily, the sub didn't mark us tardy and it was awesome! I bowled really well and we messed around the parking lot for a while. But things were getting dangerous so I got out of the car and headed back into the school. And that was my great PE adventure!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Super Hero Status

Ok so my major obsession is with super heroes. Not just any super heroes though. Marvel comics. Iron Man comes out on the Thirtieth! But anyways. . . I have the coolest posters. Mostly Spider-Man but he's just my favorite Marvel hero. Marvel Rocks all the way! I also have a super hero name. Super Short. Being five foot three can give you that name. And Super Tall works at an airport in Ogden. I saw him today and he made me extremely happy! He still owes me a date. >.< Oh and That picture is an actual poster in my room! I sit there and stare at it with my Marvel Encyclopedia by my side. I practically know everyone of those heroes and villain and regular people on that poster! XD

Sunday, September 21, 2008


It happened! The wonderful Four Finger Wonder of the Bardin Family has her blog. This is mostly for college uses. So mom won't freak when I go to college! ^_^ XD So. . . Senior in my high school! Currently getting ready for the greatest college experience ever. Hopefully I can live in a dorm, if not there is always plan two. Grandparents! It'll be fun. Hopefully I have some of my bestest friends will come with me to make the experience fun. Well Toodles and Noodles!